DesignHome ImprovementsReal Estate February 27, 2024

7 Quick Tips for a Springtime-Ready Front Porch

Is Your Front Porch Ready for Spring?

During the bleak winter months, things sometimes become a bit dull. Thanks to freezing temperatures, neglected gardens and lawns are common. Perhaps the harsh conditions took a toll on your porch accessories, front door paint, and more. As spring approaches, you want your front porch to welcome people, not scare them away.


7 Quick Tips for a Springtime-Ready Front Porch

Spring is all about a new start and feeling rejuvenated and renewed. However, it’s not uncommon during the winter months to let things slide a bit when it comes to your home’s exterior. The weather, busy holidays, and other factors all contribute to your front porch’s appeal becoming a little dull.

But the good news is that you only need a few simple touches to get your porch back on track. Start with your front porch and create a welcoming entrance to your home that allows you and your guests to feel comfortable and happy this spring.


1. Clean Up the Mess

Perhaps your porch became a landing pad for items you chose to get rid of while decluttering and organizing during your New Year’s resolutions. Now is the time to finish the task and get excess stuff off your porch, so it’s clear and tidy. Sweep the porch, and remove anything that doesn’t belong.

2. Pressure Wash the Porch

After sweeping your porch, it’s time to eliminate winter grime and build-up with a pressure-washing session. You don’t need to buy a pressure washer. Instead, rent one from your local home improvement store.

Typically, you can rent by the hour or the day for a reasonable cost. Depending on the size of your porch, it may only take you an hour or two. If you have a larger porch or it’s particularly filthy, plan to rent for the day.

3. Freshen Up Paint

If you’re happy with your current colors and the paintwork is in good condition, clean the surfaces to assess their appearance. If they look good after a wash, great. But what if things still look a bit dingy?

A fresh coat of paint can give your front porch an instant facelift. Plus, if you’re tired of your existing colors, now is a great time to give your porch a new look.

Anything with a coat of paint gets a new, fresh coat, including the front door, railings, steps, etc. Purchase sample jars from your local paint store for about $4 to $5 a jar and test out the hues before you commit to a final color.

Use high-quality exterior paint and primer, and prep well by getting rid of peeling, chipped paint and sanding and cleaning surfaces. Allow everything to dry completely before applying any paint. Likewise, wait for the paint to dry before applying additional coats.

4. Get a New Welcome Mat

Welcome mats tend to wear out after a few months, especially in harsh climates. And during the winter months, with lots of wet, muddy shoes tramping into the house, mats can become especially yucky. Pick up a new mat for $20 to $50, and instantly, your porch will seem fresher.

5. Do Some Gardening

Even if your porch looks great, if the garden next to it doesn’t, your efforts will be for naught. Therefore, give your garden the attention it needs. You might need to pull weeds, freshen mulch, trim hedges, dig up dead plants, or add colorful flowers.

If gardening isn’t your cup of tea, consider hiring someone for basic clean-up to tidy up your garden. Even a simple clean-out will go a long way to making things look better.

6. Clean Light Fixtures

Clean the inside and outside of exterior light fixtures and replace burnt-out bulbs. The glass on the fixtures grows dull over time with dust, dirt, and other elements. Plus, dead bugs collect in globes and lamps, so cleaning the lights will make your porch brighter.

7. Add a Few Springtime Touches

After cleaning your porch, freshening up the paint, and refreshing your gardens, it’s time to bring spring. Imagine a vibrant garden flag with springtime images and a few potted plants or flowers in decorative pots flanking the front door.

If you have a larger porch, add a seating area with brightly colored cushions. If your porch is small, maybe you can fit a single chair and table or a cute statue. Make sure to choose items that reflect your personality and complement the style of your home.


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